In addition to being semi-contemplative, our charism is to bring souls to the Catholic Sacraments
(especially Confession and Communion) through frequent evangelization along the streets of the world.
We strive to live in total poverty and simplicity, while also evangelizing with competence and dignity....
Missions along the streets of the World
We try to go on a long hitch-hiking pilgrimage at least once a year. While we always travel towards a predermined location (destinations have included Lourdes (France), Fatima (Portugal), Mexico City (Mexico), Santiago (Spain), and Santa Fe (New Mexico), to name only a few), the real goal of the pilgrimage is the evangelization that happens along the way - in cars, on the street, in gas stations, etc. We rely totally upon divine providence, as the Gospel describes (cf. Luke 9:3), and as people's hearts are opened to help us, the Lord can use us to help them: exchanging for a cup of water or some food the spiritual sustenance of the good news of Jesus Christ and His Church.
Missions along the streets of the Diocese
We make other, shorter, hitchhiking journeys throughout the year as opportunities present thimselves, and make use of every occasion to encounter people along the road - whether walking to Mass, begging for basic necessities, or going out to spread the word about a parish mission, catechesis night, or Rosary that we might be helping with (etc.). As the Master sends his servants out into the streets to gather guests for his wedding feast (cf. Matt 22:9ff), we try to bring those we meet back to the House of the Father which is the Church (cf. 1 Tim 3:15) or to strengthen their devotion to the Faith they already have, inviting them to love and live the Eucharist: following the example of Jesus, who explained the Scriptures to the disciples of Emmaus as they walked along the road, gradually leading them to the Eucharistic banquet where their eyes were opened in the breaking of the bread (cf. Luke 24:32; pfsgm Statute 1,7).